What is Council?


The photo below is just one example of what a council circle might look like.  Notice the circular form, a centerpiece to rest the eyes, and objects to use as "talking pieces." 

 Simply put, COUNCIL is "a practice of open, heartfelt expression and attentive, empathetic listening."  It is NOT a religious practice, but is rooted in various cultural and religious practices around the world such as:  Native American Council, Jewish Havurah, Christian Listening Circles, Hindu Satsang, Islam Sobhet and Loya Jurga,  Hawaiian Ho'oponopono, etc...



  • The Circle: This form creates a sense of equality


  • The Center: A Meaningful place to rest the eyes and hold talking pieces.


  • The Opening:  A ceremonial mark to the beginning of the opening of council, and the closing of our usual way of being


  • Talking Piece:  A tool for focusing attention and to signify who the current speaker is.


  • Intentions of Council: To speak from the heart, to listen from the heart, spontaneity (versus planned speech), leanness of expression, and CONFIDENTIALITY (to establish trust)


  • CLOSING: A ceremonial end to the council, marking the transition into our usual way of being.



 Council does not discriminate against anyone, for any reason, practice, or belief system.  It is open to all, as a way to bring people together versus segregate us. If you have further questions about council or my workshops, please contact me here.