What is Council?
The photo below is just one example of what a council circle might look like. Notice the circular form, a centerpiece to rest the eyes, and objects to use as "talking pieces."
Simply put, COUNCIL is "a practice of open, heartfelt expression and attentive, empathetic listening." It is NOT a religious practice, but is rooted in various cultural and religious practices around the world such as: Native American Council, Jewish Havurah, Christian Listening Circles, Hindu Satsang, Islam Sobhet and Loya Jurga, Hawaiian Ho'oponopono, etc...
The Circle: This form creates a sense of equality
The Center: A Meaningful place to rest the eyes and hold talking pieces.
The Opening: A ceremonial mark to the beginning of the opening of council, and the closing of our usual way of being
Talking Piece: A tool for focusing attention and to signify who the current speaker is.
Intentions of Council: To speak from the heart, to listen from the heart, spontaneity (versus planned speech), leanness of expression, and CONFIDENTIALITY (to establish trust)
CLOSING: A ceremonial end to the council, marking the transition into our usual way of being.